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nutrition and health

The Health&Food Academy Program was launched in 2014 as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility platform of Coca-Cola HBC Bulgaria. Key Experts Group developed the overall program concept and strategic roll out plan and launched the initiative in May 2014 in partnership with Medical Faculty of the SofiaUniversity“St. Kliment Ohridski” and The Bulgarian Scientific Society for Nutrition. The program was designed as an academic information and educational initiative open for audiences interested to expand their knowledge in the field of healthy nutrition, balanced diet and active lifestyle. The main purpose of the program is to promote active healthy lifestyles and establishing a basic level of knowledge and competency concerning healthy nutrition scientific fundaments and to address the number of questionable theories and household myths regarding foods and drinks. The target group reached was broad and diverse - medical and non-medical specialists interested in nutrition, nutrition and wellness consultants, wellness and fitness instructors, food and sports bloggers, media and people interested in building a healthy diet. Key Experts Group planned and executed 2 educational events in 2014 and 3 educational events in 2015 at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” together with the top nutritionist in Bulgaria training and certifying almost 1000 people for 2 years.